

15th of October 2022

Dampfzentrale, Bern

The first creation of the Cie kraD, by Nur Cerri and Leïla Maillard, «Arachnur» shows a fusion of contemporary circus and experimental music with a strong preference for the obscure. «Arachnur» is beyond evil or good, definitely cathartic, yet poetic. A sustained hymn to the dark and what lies beyond, directly inspired by the quote of painter Pierre Soulages: «Mon instrument n’était plus le noir, mais cette lumière secrète venue du noir.» (My instrument was no longer the darkness, but the secret light from the darkness…)

A deep dive into the abyss of the human soul through acoustic borderlines and dark imagery. A macabre ritual that embodies a spiritual crawl to the gallows via despair and the harrowing loop of dark thoughts

nur: Sound, performance
Leïla Maillard: Performance Kiod Bariteau: Light
Irène Schlatter: Costume
Kathrin Zingg: Makeup